I love the new in New Year. I liken it to new opportunities, new challenges, new possibilities. With a new page in a new year, any outcome is possible.
When our homes and lives are chock-a-block full, new opportunities can seem overwhelming, new challenges feel like work, and new goals can seem out of the question.
So let’s get lean in 2016 and embrace space this new year season.
Clear off the surfaces, clean out the closets, and embrace space in our homes. Space where not one thing lives.
Open space, floor space, clear space, white space, wall space, breathing space, free space–whatever you call it, however and wherever you can imagine it, our minds crave it.
When we allow too much IN to our homes and lives, we miss OUT.
Space allows us the opportunity to appreciate intangible gifts when they appear. Tender moments. Breathtaking beauty. Gifts with zero cost and priceless value.
I am embracing space throughout our house this year with my mantra to Get Lean in 2016. Closets, drawers, storage areas, there is no space too small that can’t be made larger with less in it. So far we have given away over eight bags of stuff this week.
How can you embrace space at your house? Go find sixteen things you no longer need or love and give them to someone who does.
Then celebrate your success! How does it feel to make space happen at your house? I would love to hear about your success or progress in the comments below.
It’s a Great Life, SIMPLIFIED.